Friday, April 18, 2008

Well, today was kind of bittersweet. I took Mason to the doctor again today. He has had ear infections on and off since the beggining of the year. Today, number seven. So finally we are off to the ENT to talk about putting tubes in. Nice because the infections should be gone but not so nice because he will have to have plugs and all that junk when he goes swimming. So, we will see what happens!

Monday, April 7, 2008

So, I think I have the bestest husband in the world. ( I am sure that there are a lot of people that think that about their husbands too :) ) My dad left last Saturday morning and Doug is installing their new cabinets for him while they are gone!! He was actually quite willing and I love him so much for that!!! It is a lot of work because plugs need to be moved and a register needs to be moved. Not too many people would put up having to do that work for their in-laws!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

So, this is Austin. He was born on July 4, 2007. So far, he is much more of a difficult child than the first. The first few months were quite difficult and greatly tested Doug and my patience. Thankfully we have great family that helped us out. I enjoy the afternoons when Mason is sleeping and he has free roam of the living room. I love to watch him explore everything and discover something new.
My two boys are the perfect example of how different your kids can be. Austin is so much more cautious. He checks everyone out and takes a long time before he will smile at someone new. He is starting to chat so much more and for that I am greatful. It makes him so much more lively. I know people talk about how much more tired you can be with two, and that I am greatly beginning to understand. God has blessed me with to beautiful boys and I need to just live each day enjoying that fact!!! Although I have to admit and I am ready for a little vacation with my hubby. It is so hard to find the time to just sit and talk or do anything together. By the time the boys go to bed, we are ready for bed!!!!! We shall see if we can figure something out. So far, I haven't felt comfortable leaving the boys overnight with anyone but Austin slept so terrible until about 8 weeks ago. Maybe now we can start to figure something out. For now, I will enjoy the time I can get, even if it is 5 minutes
So this is going to take me a while to figure it all out, how do you add pics to this thing?!?!? :)
So this is my blog. Never thought about this but I guess it is a good way for everyone to know what's going on. And just a great place to put my thoughts down!!! Right now I am enjoying that fact that I got out of work early but bummed my boys were sleeping when I got to my sister's to pick them up. Mason, 4 hours later, is still sleeping. I guess a double ear infection will do that to you!!!! Austin however is not my good sleeper. Surpirsingly he actually took an hour and a half nap. Someday we will get him on a good schedule........