Saturday, August 23, 2008

Well, summer is coming to a close and we are starting to look ahead to the busy holiday season at work. The more I think about it, the harder time I am having with have to leave my boys more during such an important time of year. I am currently working Thursday and Friday and for five weeks I will have to be working Monday and Tuesday evening, three of those weeks I will have to work Saturday and one of those weeks I will have to add Wednesday night as well. I understand the extra need but it is so much harder for me with my young kids. Please pray for my family as we will have to adjust to this busy schedule!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Mason's first breathing treatment

Well last week Thursday, I had a bit of a scary time. Mason was having difficulty breathing and the nurse told me to take him in to the ER. I was super stressed because Mason started crying, then Austin started crying and I couldn't get a hold of Doug. Go Figure. Anyway, it turns out that when we got there his oxygen levels were down to 87. They put him on 3ml of oxygen but that only bumped him up to 92. He got his first breathing treatment in the ER and that seemed to help. After about 2 hours they tried to take him of the oxygen and he dropped back down again so they ended up admitting him. At this point I am worried about him and trying to figure out what we are going to do about the vacation/family reunion we were supposed to be leaving for at 4am the next morning. My parents gladly took Austin overnight and from there it was a waiting game. I stay the night with Mason but by about 3:30 I had still not slept between nurses coming in to check on him or to give him treatments and from the fact that he kept itching his nose and pulling out his oxygen. So I called Doug at 3:50 am (sorry honey!!) and told him that I needed him to come and stay with him for a while because I needed to sleep and was not feeling well. (yep by the time Doug had gotten there, I had thrown up) So I went home and slept for 3 hours and was back to the hospital by 9. They took him off oxygen at 10:30 and he was doing extremely well. Finally by 3 in the afternoon, they let us go. We headed straight for Wisconsin with an oral steroid and breathing treatments. What a trooper Mason was. He did SOOOO well all weekend. Praise God for taking care of us and our children!!

He Finally made it in to a room

He was very limited to where he could go with

oxygen on.

He loved the swing with Aunt Kelly!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So, I apologize to all of you who look for new postings. Our internet is terrible (yes, out in the boonies we still have to have dial up) So unless I am at mom and dad's I for sure can't post any new pictures.

Today, I am a little anxious. Mason is going to get tubes put in his ears tomorrow morning. I know it isn't a huge thing, it only takes about 15 minutes. He is my baby!!! I am more worried about what he will be like right after. I have this thing about seeing people when they look really out of it and pale! lol Anyway, Mason is so cute about it and am so thankful that he really doesn't know what is going on. He just keeps telling me that the doctor is going to put a mask on his nose and mouth and he will be very sleepy!! Right, no big deal! I am glad he is reminding me of that. lol

Softball season has begun and it is already wearing me out. We went to Doug's first game last night and thank goodness my mom and sister were there as well. Austin just wants to crawl around in the grass and Mason just wants to go to the playground. Pretty sure I only saw the first 5 min and the last 5 min of the game. Another game tonight and I am actually thankful it has been raining all day. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE watching Doug play but sometimes it is more work than enjoyment!

Doug's sister's wedding is fast approaching (June 21) and I am more and more anxious about how Mason will do walking down the aisle. I am hoping with Doug and I both in the wedding as well, he will do a little better, but this child has so much energy and comments on EVERYTHING he sees. It's an outdoor wedding, so get ready everyone, I am not sure if my kid will keep quiet. LOL

The last couple of weeks Doug and I have seriously talked about selling our house. We are in Byron almost everynight (especially now with softball). Pray that we figure out what is best. The market is abviously not so great right now, so it could take a while to sell. We shall see.

Well for now that's it. Until next time...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Well, today was kind of bittersweet. I took Mason to the doctor again today. He has had ear infections on and off since the beggining of the year. Today, number seven. So finally we are off to the ENT to talk about putting tubes in. Nice because the infections should be gone but not so nice because he will have to have plugs and all that junk when he goes swimming. So, we will see what happens!

Monday, April 7, 2008

So, I think I have the bestest husband in the world. ( I am sure that there are a lot of people that think that about their husbands too :) ) My dad left last Saturday morning and Doug is installing their new cabinets for him while they are gone!! He was actually quite willing and I love him so much for that!!! It is a lot of work because plugs need to be moved and a register needs to be moved. Not too many people would put up having to do that work for their in-laws!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

So, this is Austin. He was born on July 4, 2007. So far, he is much more of a difficult child than the first. The first few months were quite difficult and greatly tested Doug and my patience. Thankfully we have great family that helped us out. I enjoy the afternoons when Mason is sleeping and he has free roam of the living room. I love to watch him explore everything and discover something new.
My two boys are the perfect example of how different your kids can be. Austin is so much more cautious. He checks everyone out and takes a long time before he will smile at someone new. He is starting to chat so much more and for that I am greatful. It makes him so much more lively. I know people talk about how much more tired you can be with two, and that I am greatly beginning to understand. God has blessed me with to beautiful boys and I need to just live each day enjoying that fact!!! Although I have to admit and I am ready for a little vacation with my hubby. It is so hard to find the time to just sit and talk or do anything together. By the time the boys go to bed, we are ready for bed!!!!! We shall see if we can figure something out. So far, I haven't felt comfortable leaving the boys overnight with anyone but Austin slept so terrible until about 8 weeks ago. Maybe now we can start to figure something out. For now, I will enjoy the time I can get, even if it is 5 minutes
So this is going to take me a while to figure it all out, how do you add pics to this thing?!?!? :)
So this is my blog. Never thought about this but I guess it is a good way for everyone to know what's going on. And just a great place to put my thoughts down!!! Right now I am enjoying that fact that I got out of work early but bummed my boys were sleeping when I got to my sister's to pick them up. Mason, 4 hours later, is still sleeping. I guess a double ear infection will do that to you!!!! Austin however is not my good sleeper. Surpirsingly he actually took an hour and a half nap. Someday we will get him on a good schedule........